Let us ask you, if you are not who you think we are, then what are you?
We are the AAIS machine, 4 groups of 25 humans. As an ensemble we are always on the road to discovering who we are, what, when, and how we are feeling, experiencing, and creating. Expressing the shedding of expectations and norms, we are fanatics moulting a palimpsest of grace and non-grace of which we are the objects.
Through a series of performances, ‘Metamoprh’, ‘Parding Your Beggon’, ‘Partita’, and ‘SEEN’ we establish an intimate space. Our performances aspire to illustrate the concept of liminality with a motley of groups that show various states, times, themes, and relationships. Enter our space and witness a logorrheic schizophony of visual, sonic and digital stimuli that define it. De-realize the factual and re-realize the fiction. It is possible that we are sincerely unreliable narrators. We ensure that you shall be in good hands. Believe us.
Our festival seeks a liminal relationship between a human and non-human dramatis personae. ‘Moult’ a weeklong Festival that contains a number of performative presentations and exhibits with a multi-media approach created and curated by our cohort. We question where the physicality of a performer forms a threshold with the material that it interacts with. We posit the human as an empirical creature stewing in societal complicities. We distort, contort, extend and at times smear the human form to prove to you that we all put our pants on one leg at a time. Or maybe two?
We submit impressions, rhythms, and pulsions of the fact that we exist. Furthermore, we confirm that you exist as well. We prove to you that life is a text. The act of living it however is writing the subtext. As a matter of fact, these subtexts are an ensemble of texts that fairly froth, coagulate and at times even simmer. Going in a spiral, within this space you will experience the tension in the room and the absurdity of the mundane. You will mishmash an exquisite corpse of the Three Graces. But what will happen when the reality of what you have been seeing is interfered with by the virtual world? We aim to situate quotidian tales, fashion and simulate a difference of opinions through the scenography of edited materiality. We also aspire to define sustainability and its scope in the performative and spatial arts.
We didn’t come here to be right. We certainly don’t wish to be correct. Our idiosyncrasies possess a turbidity. Our privacies and intimacies situate a certain potentiality. It is a brew. A veil. We don’t seek to rip it; we just question what it is to be drugged with sociability.
Our intimate space is an affect. It is also a modality for perception, eventually one might even argue that our intimate space is a state of being. We hope that one day our intimate space might even be a genre.
Reflect on it. We really bring you something, don’t we? There are certain inquiries and questions we proposed, but we don’t need to know the responses and certainly don’t expect answers from us. It is all already there. Even though the festival will be over, we shall remain with you.