October 7, 2022
7th October
18:00 - 20:00 GMT
The AAIS 2022-2023 cohort is pleased to invite you to its first performative event: “Selves” which is the product of a two-week-long workshop on dramaturgy and framing narratives with our tutor Heiko Kalmbach.
Join us as we make use of video projections and installations to choreograph gestures in time and material. We intend to remove obstacles to perception and create a totalizing experience that is true, honest, raw, and at times vulgar.
Workshop Results of Workshop "Framing realities"
Three main layers make up this first two-week workshop.
- We will meet and get to know each other. We will investigate modes of collaborating and begin to form the working process of the AA Interprofessional Studio, establish our space, practice creating individual work, and collaborate in different teams and as the group at large.
What are we all bringing to the table? What drives us? How can we make sure that we are seen and at the same time pay close attention to our peers? What are the issues we face and want to engage with? What are we looking for? How can we grow and strengthen each other and collaborate well all at the same time? And where do we see openings for dialogue and interaction in our potential audiences and communities? Reflection empowers. Experimentation begins. Research continues.
- We will explore the moving image through the production of swift video exercises and selected screenings. A practice of constructive feedback for work in progress is established.
Using the camera eye, we look at ourselves, then expand on what’s there to discover around us with our new studio peers. Then we open the door to fiction. We practice working in teams. In the process we deepen our individual knowledge of technologies and strengthen our skill set.
At induction the AA Audiovisual Department will present its resources. During our course there will be the opportunity to use what’s on offer as is appropriate (cameras, editing, green screen studio).
- We will gain insights in the history of media use in performance. We will also look at current examples. Using the concept of Expanded Cinema and Performative Media we will create our own material and design a first spatial encounter with this year’s theme.
We meet our first audience at the end of the second week - using media and projection design we create a visceral experience.
The time is always now.