May 20, 2012
For every reflection there is both an angle of reflection and an angle of incidence - incidence being the occasion of happening. In our daily lives we are surrounded by reflections that augment reality, distortperception, mediate information, link circumstance, and generate spontaneous reactions between object, space, and event. The incidences of our day-to-day can allow for uniqueness, if we can find a way to viewthem from particular focused angles.
Within the framework of a 24 hour cinematic choreography between architecture, dance, design, fashion, film, photography, and music, Angles of Incidence will compose notations of reflection of light, sound, time and cuisine uniqueness of incidences in the dynamic overlaps of these elements to create focal points through unprecedented events of spatial performance.
Angles of Incidence occured in a series across Europe in 2012 with performances scheduled in Kbln (50°. 6°], Madrid (40°. 3°], and London (51°. 0°]. The project is the result of Architectural Association’s InterprofessionalStudio, which aims to expose a hidden ‘worknet’ between multiple professions and their products. The studio – operating as an interdisciplinary creative office where knowledge exchange is one of the core points of focus – relies on the overlapping innovation in the various expertise of its members to develop acommunication language across creative disciplines.
This platform congregates the movers and makers of culture in a dynamic environment that activates thepotential of the creative network across borders and genres. Incidences unfold in series of transformingmoments, where professionals and the public interact in an original performance. In this way, AoI initiates a lasting network of exchange. Evolving from the intimate setting of a dinner through to a public market, theperformance comes together in five entangled acts: Supper, Concert, Lounge, Market, and Show – between the interior space of Nave 16 through to the Plaza Matadero.
Act I - The Supper
The supper will delight the palate and rouse conversation with a fusion of salon talks and bite-sized coursesset within a networked rope environment. The Supper is curated in collaboration with Ariadna Cantis, where members of the audience are invited to contribute to this special culinary and conversational exchange.
Act II - The Concert
The concert is a series of cyclical performances throughout the evening where the audience, performer, and environment are interchanged. This performance brings together timing in sound and space, featuring the AoI music collective from Kbln, a special DJ set from Andy Dean and others.
Act III - The Lounge
The lounge offers the opportunity to spend the night cocooned in specially designed pods suspended from therope environment. Following the supper and concert, guests can experience the full 24 hours of AoI. TheLounge will revitalise the senses.
Act IV - The Market
The market offers gourmet local food, where local farmers, restaurateurs, and visitors collaborate to create tasty new dishes. The market also houses workshops together with New Movement Movement dancecollective and others.